📰 Press & Media

Welcome to the Metkagram Press & Media page! We are delighted that you are interested in featuring Metkagram and sharing our innovative approach to language learning with your audience.

Metkagram is a revolutionary language learning app designed to make language acquisition more effective, engaging, and personalized. Our app leverages the power of visual tags, Grammar cards with annotations, and curated learning materials to provide a unique learning experience for individuals tired of ineffective and irrelevant courses. With a mission to empower language learners worldwide, we are dedicated to changing the way people learn languages and helping them achieve their goals more efficiently.

🚀 Why Metkagram?

Unique Annotation Approach

Metkagram uses its own unique annotation system to explain grammar with visual tags. This innovative method connects new information to existing knowledge, making the unfamiliar familiar and aiding memory retention.

Context Approach

We believe in the power of context. Our app helps learners understand the real-world application of words and concepts by using them in contextual sentences.


Metkagram leverages Artificial Intelligence to create a personalized learning experience. The app uses AI to analyze your progress, identify your weak areas, and customize your learning path accordingly.

Learning Materials

We provide learning materials that cater to learners who seek effective, engaging, and personalized ways to learn languages.


Metkagram fosters a sense of community by connecting learners with tutors directly, without commissions, and encouraging collaborations through our Ambassador and Volunteer programs.


Our app is designed with the user in mind, featuring a user-friendly interface, customizable learning paths, and the opportunity for learners to create their own courses.

📝 Media Kit

For your convenience, we have compiled a media kit that includes high-resolution images, logos, and a press release that provides an overview of Metkagram, its features, and its mission.

🎙️ Interview Requests

We welcome interview requests from journalists, bloggers, and media professionals who are interested in featuring Metkagram or discussing language learning, technology, and education. Please reach out to us via the contact form below or email us.

💌 Get In Touch

We are always happy to provide additional information, answer your questions, or discuss potential collaborations.

Contact us

Discover the power of Metkagram today
Start your free trial and watch your language skills soar!

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